Monday 27 April 2015

BOOK WEEK 4th- 8th MAY

Book Week is fast approaching. Mrs Usher will have shelves of books available in the library for you to browse through and purchase if you would like. Thursday 7th May we will come to school dressed as a book character. Start thinking about your favourite book and character now. You will need to have your favourite novel or picture book at school during this week. Check out the Reading Homework page on this blog for other activities you can complete during Book Week.

Sunday 26 April 2015

Writing Your Speech

This powerpoint is a useful resource for speech writing and presenting.

Persuade Me!
Practice your persuasive language techniques.

  • Visit this website to get some resources to help you with you persuasive writing

  • Complete these sentences (with thanks to Elementary School @ Web English Teacher)
  1. I am writing to.....
  2. I have heard a rumour that...
  3. We can do without this.
  4. How unfair!
  5. Obviously....
  6. I believe that....
  7. This will cause...
  8. A friend of mine says...
  9. Do you really think that....
  10. Is it really worth....
  11. Local people feel that...
  12. Surely...
  13. Of course...
  14. Another thing.....
  15. Just think that...
These are really useful sentences to include in you persuasive speech.

Persuasive Argument Powerpoint

We are learning to write persuasive speeches for our speech competition. This powerpoint has some good advice to get you started.