Wednesday 10 April 2013

Book Promotion  The Invention of Hugo Cabret

I would recommend this book for 9 year olds and over because it may be interesting to younger people, but the language features might be a bit complex. This book is very good and descriptive and it really sets the scene with the amazing words and pictures. Brain Selznick is a great author and I would recommend his books to people who like a bit of mystery, a bit of drama and a bit of humour.

This story is about an orphan boy whose name is Hugo. He lives in a train station in France, fixing clocks; he ended up there because his father died in a tremendous raging fire and (there is no story about what happened to the mother) so his alcoholic Uncle took him in and told him how to work the clocks that were in the train station - Hugo soon became his apprentice. Hugo’s Uncle always came home late, and one night he didn’t come home at all. So for two years Hugo has been running the clocks and fixing something his father left for him called an automaton.
Further on Hugo finds a curious  friend, Isabelle. Isabelle’s godfather Papa George is a man who owns a toy booth in the train station and hates people who click their loud heels past his booth, occasionally Hugo steals parts and tools from him to fix the invention his father found and gave him. Hugo and Isabelle go through a big mystery then finds out a big secret papa George has kept  for years and uncovers how his father’s invention has something to do with papa George’s big past secret.

 I would rate this book 9/10 just because it didn’t have a really good hook at the start, but when I got past the first couple of paragraphs it was very interesting. Other books that Brian Selznick has written are Wonder Struck, The Houdini box and many more.

This Blurb was written by Yasmine Maarouf. 


  1. Ashley -
    Yazy, I really liked your book review. It told just enough to get me interested, but not to much to give it away. I feel like I wan't to read Hugo now, I've definitely heard good things about it. Great book review.

  2. nice book review Yasmine ive read this book before and I say that,that was an amazing book review great job
